Recommendations to avoid drowning

(When I am addressing husbands or wives here, you may need to reverse the genders for your situation.)

In the last blog post, I told a story about a husband and wife on the seashore, out in deep water. It was to demonstrate that things in relationships are often not what they seem obviously to be. After thinking about it, I thought I’d write this post on how to avoid getting your relationship into that situation in the first place. If you are there, the last blog gives ideas on the way back to dry land. If neither of you are drowning, thank God! Read on for hints on how to keep your marriage on solid footing.

Remember Mazlow’s hierarchy of basic human needs: basic physiological needs, safety and security, intimate relationships, esteem from others and self, self-actualization, transcendence. Look for ways to provide an environment where your spouse can find these things.

Wedding Prayers and Vows


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Twelve Good Men

“It takes a village to raise a child.” – African Proverb

Do I have to go halfway around the world?